Why Are Those Twitts Not Following?

Posted by on Jan 24, 2011 in Writing Tips | 11 comments

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There seems to be a lot of unspoken rules about how to use Twitter.  In truth, no one has the time to explain to you the secret society Twitt-shakes.  You’re left to your own devices to figure it out #LoserNewbie  #GetaClue.   So to become a super savvy #TwitterRockStar, I’ve been doing some 007 James-Bond-style scouting these last four months since I’ve joined, and I think I’ve finally cracked the code.

You won’t get followed if :

1. Too many followers, but don’t follow enough in return: I’m not suggesting you auto-follow people; (unless you really want to jam up your screen with hundreds or thousands of tweets that you’ll never be able to keep up with), but at least make a concerted effort towards others. You’re not the only one worth knowing. There’s a ton of crazy, hilarious, and helpful folks out there so reach out.

2. Tweeting Too Often: Don’t fill up someone’s screen with 10,000 mundane tweets about your dog’s new sweater.  Personal information is great; funny and entertaining, just don’t go overboard.  I get a bit tired of the pet worshippers who have NOTHING else to say.  They get an instant UNFOLLOW from me.

3. Not Tweeting Enough: If you don’t Tweet regularly, it’s simple- you’re a stranger. So we UNFOLLOW

4.  Comments Are Impersonal: Retweeting and posting links is great; it’s part of what makes Twitter awesomesauce.  But social media should be at least somewhat SOCIAL, or what’s the point?  We’re dying to know about your quirks, bourbon habits, pet peeves, and work-related blow-outs.

5. Tooting Your Own Horn Too Much: You see this advice posted a lot and STILL people do it. You should definitely update your followers on your projects, accomplishments, signings, etc.  But doing it too much is like clogging the waves with a bunch of spam. It’s annoying as hell and it makes you seem like an ego-maniac. UNFOLLOW

6. Listing 100 Tweeple for #FF:  #FridayFollow hashtag is a great way to uncover new people.  When someone I enjoy following makes a recommendation, I often check out their suggestions.  But if you send list after list after list every Friday, it becomes a meaningless stream of dribble and clogs up my TweetDeck, making me irritated. UNFOLLOW

FOLLOW Me @msheatherwebb. I’m looking for new folks to follow, too.

Do you have other reasons to UNFOLLOW?


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  1. Rebecca

    You’ve just got yourself a new follower! :0)

  2. Laura Pauling

    Those are all great! and I can’t stand it when my feed is flooded with #FF! I will unfollow that person. I also dislike when there’s about 25 retweets in a row from the same person.

  3. PC Wheeler

    Good points! For a long time twitter baffled me, although my husband is a twitter pro. I think I’ve finally figured it out – and it does become rather addicting.

    I believe I follow you as cillaclare.

  4. Nathan Carriker

    Anyone who both confesses to being a dilettante AND finds our bourbon (tequila, actually) habits and/or work-related blowouts interesting is not only destined to get about 294,895,459 #FF mentions this week (it’s the guilt of having left someone out, imho!), but should consider herself in danger of becoming a frequent narrow escapee from any number of premature marriage proposals from legions of balding, frustrated 40-somethings. I’m in! 😉

  5. Austin James

    Great Post. I agree with each of your reasons.

  6. Marlin

    Bookmarked, I love your blog! 🙂

  7. Patricia Beaudin

    I think all those hit the mark for me (except the first one I’ve looked at follower count on others but that doesn’t factor.) Oh and I followed you too so I better not see any of those blunders or I’ll unfollow! *sinister music will now play.*

  8. Margaret Duarte

    Thanks for the pointers. I still don’t have this twitter thing figured out. Blogging takes up most of my time–too much time. But I’m trying.

  9. Diane Amy

    Great post! And I’m already stalking you on twitter. I think I’m guilty of not enough personal stuff. I never know what’s appropriate and what’s boring. It’s the whole “who’ll care about that?” fear that sometimes prevents me from tweeting something or other.

    What stinks are the people who I normally like following but they go crazy on the #FF thing and I SO want to unfollow, but then I go around in circles because I like them the other six days of the week. Dang you Twitter! haha

    • Heather

      I know what you mean, Amy, about the #ff. As for the personal comments, I guess you just have to put them out there and hope that someone finds you witty and interesting. And I’m certain they will! ;~)

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