I am so pleased to announce I will be leading a writer’s retreat in Galway, Ireland this summer. Both beginner and advanced writers are invited to attend, (though by beginner, this means a work must be in progress in a real way). Group workshops as well as one-on-one meetings will be scheduled to discuss pages and if interested, platform and marketing advice.
**** I will be reading and editing pages in advance so I may be able to properly tailor the coursework for the group. If everyone is advanced, I will create workshops to target more in-depth concepts.
WHEN: July 6-13
WHERE: Galway, Ireland
REGISTRATION LIMITATIONS: Only 12 participants may enroll for each session, so get in early
That’s not all! We will spend working hours most mornings and tour fairy hills, cliffs, ancient abbeys, dine in a castle, and participate in some raucous pub crawls. So it’s a 2-for-1 tour!
There are THREE OPTIONS of tours:
1.) Meet with me, Heather Webb, editor and published author in July
2.) Meet with mystery author Susan Spann who will workshop the intricacies of mystery writing as well as crafting a series in June
3.) Meet with bestselling historical author Stephanie Cowell in September
I am looking forward to making new writer friends to share the beauty of Ireland and flex our writing skills!
Contact me for questions or the tour leader HERE