Yesterday, I was revolted after watching a large grunting man gulp down a half a pound of overcooked ground beef as it oozed condiments and dribbled lard-turned-liquid on his face and plate. It doesn’t help that his shirt was two sizes too small and I was forced to view his naked belly, layered like a stack of pancakes. This lovely culinary experience happened in a pub with a sign on the window that said: “NO SHOES, NO SHIRT, NO SERVICE”. Obviously, Billy Joe the manager isn’t enforcing the rules. As for the beef, well here’s my story.
I LOVE FOOD. In basically any form. I adore the Food Network, delight in reading cookbooks, and can think of nothing better than scouting a new restaurant for fine cuisine. But a food revolution is happening out there and chez moi, tempering my devotion to everything edible. As a lover of meat and ALL things dairy, I have been particularly verklempt over the research that has emerged, but I’ve trudged on in the name of health, particularly for my darling babes. It’s been a hell of a challenge accepting these TRUTHS I’ve discovered, but I can no longer ignore the facts. And here they are.
In a nut shell, an appalling number of diseases have been correlated to our diet. Actually, nearly ALL health issues among Americans are diet related. Cancer, auto-immune disorders, heart disease, and even many forms of hereditary diseases may be reversed or eradicated completely, just by doing a couple of small things- cutting out the meat & dairy. I know, I know. What about strip steak and bratwurst? Or the cheese cake with raspberry sauce?! Well, it’s killing us. It’s kind of like dumping grease from a McDonald’s french fryalater into your gas tank instead of gasoline. It would definitely clog the engine and at some point, cause a complete system failure.
Believe me! I know it’s difficult to banish these beloved items from our lives because we love them or because we’re too cheap to spend the money purchasing natural products. But over time, giving up foods laden in animal products and processed chemical garbage, at least in large quantities, will help you have more energy, lose weight and look younger, and live longer. That’s a fact!
I won’t lecture you. As a matter of fact, on a rainy day you may find me standing by the freezer, fist deep in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk. But I’ve done my best to make changes for myself and my family. I, for one, really don’t want to be staring at the depressing insides of a hospital room. And, as someone who cares about people, I simply had to share the information I’ve learned with you- because it may SAVE YOUR LIFE!
Here’s a quick list of the most important things I’ve learned. If you’re compelled or intrigued by what you see here, don’t take my word for it! Read the resources I’ve listed at the bottom of the page and you’ll have all of the knowledge at your disposal.
- Meat & dairy raise the acidity level in your bloodstream and tissues…High acidity levels promote the growth of CANCER- that’s its best environment to thrive
- Farmed animals are routinely sprayed with antibiotics, antifungals, and other pesticides. These chemicals are absorbed into their tissues, then we eat them…leading to CANCER and other diseases
- Meat & dairy are high in fat…leading to heart disease
- Dairy is high in protein and calcium. Our body is unable to absorb the calcium since the high protein content acts as a buffer. We’re drinking sugar water laced with pesticides & hormones.
- Dairy is rich in other vitamins and minerals. When dairy is pasteurized, everything worth absorbing is killed. A study of baby calves being fed pasteurized milk for 3 months resulted in the death of ALL of the calves. No nutritional value whatsoever.
I could go on and on, but as I said, I’ll let you read it for yourselves. Just know this- no one’s perfect. Start with small changes. Even those will drastically improve your health and may save your life. There are many more resources out there, but here are my favorites:
The Environmental Working Group
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Amen to it all. Especially about it being hard to give up the food we love to devour. When I was told this information by another… unnamed source ;)… I refused to believe it. Said, nope. No way. Not a shot that I am giving up my steak. my chicken parm, and my milk. Then I read some of the books you mentioned and said, well maybe there’s some truth to it all. Then I told that due to some un-diet related issues, I could end up with cancer by 35.
Being 23, I suddenly paid attention. And the one thing my doctor told me to do to drastically lower that chance? Seriously cut back on, if not eliminate, meat and dairy from my diet. It was a cosmic smack upside the head if I’ve ever seen one. It was hard at first, especially as I come from a family that still has steak once a week for dinner. However, I started small and I’m glad to say that since I made the change, I feel better, I look better, and I am living better. So thanks for the reminder to keep going strong, bebe.