In the beginning…

Posted by on May 19, 2010 in Writing Tips | 13 comments

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Am I really a novice writer?  I’ve dallied in journal writing, story outlines, and newspaper editing since I was a girl.  But the more I read and practice writing from the perspective of a self-proclaimed, bonafide writer, the more I realize how much more there is to know.   So many style choices and plot conundrums to solve!  Not to mention the huge learning curve involved with the actual business of writing.  I haven’t just taken up novel writing;  I’ve stepped into a peculiar cyber realm of blogging, forums, and RSS feeds.  SAY WHAT?!   Luckily, I tend to find learning exciting.

Self-imposed deadlines, query letter stress, and impending rejection are other delightful aspects sitting on a shelf in the corner of my mind, taking up valuable space where a magnificent storyline could be.  Ahhh, but this, young padawan, is all part of the joy and pain of calling oneself an artist.

By far, the most appealing part of becoming a writer, (besides the writing of course), is my newfangled way of seeing.  Smashed glass on an uneven sidewalk, a well-loved teddy bear forgotten on a playground, or the desolate expression on the post woman’s face, spark my imaginations that begin whirring and piecing together a drama.  I almost hear my narrator’s words ringing in my ears, my emotions fusing with hers.  In writing, I feel at home; as if my rambling soul has at last found a place to stretch, explore, and hide in the crannies of a character.  Fascinating…and what fun!


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  1. Dilatory Thomas

    A beautiful beginning! Loved the last paragraph. I wish you all the best. Good luck in your quest. I hope you find the writing fulfilling, the process invigorating, and the predatory business of writing not too much of a royal pain in the inkwell!

  2. Jennifer

    i’m hanging on your every word…

  3. Lubie

    Félicitations! Je ne peux pas attendre pour lire plus! Ce n’est que ton début et je suis accro (toujours un bon signe!) Tu m’étonnes toujours et je suis sûr que cet exploit ne sera pas différent! 😉

  4. Angie

    Your blog page is quite visually appealing! I’m so proud of you, young padawan. 😉

  5. Angie

    I read your “recipes” page and your words made me hungry! I think you should write a sensory cookbook, where the recipes are described in prose so beautifully that you can’t wait to make them! Are there cookbooks that focus on the written description so deliciously?? If not, you should do one of those too, Mrs. VanDeCamp! 🙂

  6. Christine

    Go on and conquer your dream Heather…one step at a time, or five all at once. Like I say…”Do it. Do it now!” Life is empty without dreams to strive for. Hunt that down, and keep at it until victory is yours babe!GRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Sparkle on!

  7. Jeff

    Querida Heather! Great idea…and now, Great Expectations! To write is to do the dance of the seven scarves with your soul. Don’t bare it all too soon! Hiding in character and revealing tantalizing details over time will undoubtedly result in good fiction. Keep me on your friends and fans list. Amor, Jeff

  8. Rebecca

    Bravo!! I am certainly now hooked!!!

  9. Erin

    I loved reading your blog entries. I am envious of your writing style!!

  10. Kelly

    Oh, thank goodness someone else feels the way I do. Your last paragraph describes it perfectly, “…a newfangled way of seeing”. I am also learning (and loving) that everything looks differently through the eyes of a ‘writer’.

  11. Ang

    Also I can identify with your last paragraph as a photographer. I imagine a viewfinder around everything. Welcome to the world of artists. Now start acting weird, dramatic and reclusive. 😉

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